Thanks for the replies! The variable that I'm operating with is python
type, not javascript. Mdipierro, your solution looks nice, but i can't
get it working. The value of the variable doesn't seem to change. Here
is my code:

from views/default/index.html:
<a href="#" onclick="ajax('{{=URL('plus_n')}}',[],':eval');return
def plus_n():
    # check this was called by the ajax post
    if request.env.request_method=='POST':
        # do anything you need to do
        # optional return instructions in JS
        return "$('.flash').html('n was incremented').slideDown();"

On Dec 18, 2:26 am, pbreit <> wrote:
> I don't really understand the question. Do you want to change a JavaScript
> variable? Or a variable in your web2py code? I don't think you would be able
> to modify a web2py variable as the result of a click. By the time the suer
> views your page, all the web2py code has been rendered into HTML. You'll
> either need to code some JavaScript or perform some sort of Ajax call back
> to your server.
> What exactly are you trying to do?

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