Hello there,

The tagging widget (from plugin_wiki) does not create the proper lines
from form.custom.begin and .end when encapsulated in another form it
seems. This behavior only occurred when the tagging widget was used
inside another custom form for editing an entry (generated also by
SQLFORM.factory). The tagging widget was called in the custom form
view as


(the form.item.id is the outer "form" where I stored the item to edit)
and the resulting html in firebug was:

<div class="plugin_tagging">
**missing: <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
<input name="tag_name" value="" size="8">
<input value="tag" type="submit">
**missing: </form>

I tried to track down the process how form.custom.begin/end are
generated but I was not successful in finding the reason why the
<form> tag is omitted when encapsulating the tag-widget.

These lines from sqlhtml.py (SQLFORM.__init__) seem to have something
to do with it:
        (begin, end) = self._xml()
        self.custom.begin = XML("<%s %s>" % (self.tag, begin))
        self.custom.end = XML("%s</%s>" % (end, self.tag))

Any ideas?
One more remark: In an earlier version of my app this worked, the db
was still DBSQL there. With the new DAL I couldn't try in the old
version because the application crashes... see the other thread on
1.90 is out.


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