I think you are talking about appadmin, not admin. appadmin inherits
your application layout, not the admin layout.

Perhaps there should be an appadmin option to use the admin layout as
opposed to the app specific layout.


On Dec 19, 4:28 pm, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Anyone doing customization of their web2py layout knows that they are
> going to heavily modify both the layout.html and static/css files.
> This can result in breakage of the admin utility. It is good policy, I
> think, to segregate the admin app from the user's app sufficiently
> that the developer can create their own custom look and feel without
> disrupting the debug cycle. This might mean keeping a completely
> isolated set of layout.html, javascripts, and css files so that they
> don't conflict with the web2py way of doing things.
> Of course, if the user is intending on exposing some of the admin db
> features to the outside world (which I don't recommend), then what I'm
> suggesting might get in the way. By default, then, the app layout.html
> and css should be the same as the admin layout.html and css. But when
> the user modifies the layout and other files, it shouldn't affect the
> admin look and feel.
> How do others feel about this?

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