I don't understand. Let's say app has 2 components, a and b, each with
its load view. I have discovered that an ajax that causes a to go to
the server can then have a update b by returning a

I discovered this because I'm completely recasting my app as
components and all the ajax scripts from before still work (after
getting updating urls). I know this isn't what the doc describes
(using response.js), but is it kosher, anyway?

On Dec 24, 10:33 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> You can do and there is nothing against it. It just that the
> components should not directly communicate serverside, execpt by
> sharing data in session. The component can return response.js with
> client-side instructions that affect other components. That is the
> idea and that is fine.
> On Dec 24, 7:09 pm, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net> wrote:
> > I'm diving into components but the doc says something that could be a
> > show-stopper:
> > "A component ... must perform its task independently of the rest of
> > the page."
> > I want to be able to ajax click on an item in one component and have
> > it update a div in another component. I can't imagine this won't be
> > possible, but the doc seems to suggest otherwise.

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