Now I understand.

The problem is here:

 Field('edited_by', db[user_table], required=True),

When you do {{=orders}} is uses a default representation for
edited_by. The field contains a user id and the default representation
is the user name. So for each record it has to do a database lookup
(980 of them).

If you want to represent users by name, you should either cache them.
Something like this:

db.orders.edited_by.represent = lambda id: cache.ram('user:

or turn your query into a join.


On Dec 26, 11:37 pm, Kenneth Lundström <>
> What part of the model would you like to see?
> This?
> db.define_table('orders',
>      db.Field('name', 'string', length=40, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>      db.Field('district', db.district, required=True),
>      db.Field('edited_by', db[user_table], required=True),
>      db.Field('edited_date', 'datetime', required=True),
>      db.Field('reward_selected', 'integer', default=0),
>      db.Field('members', 'integer', default=0),
>      db.Field('memb_no', 'string', default=0),
>      db.Field('locked', 'integer', default=False, required=True),
>      db.Field('cow_id', 'string', default=''),
>      migrate=settings.migrate)
> So far there was no view defined for this controller. If I define a
> empty one it takes like 2-3 seconds to show a empty page, controller
> changed to dict(orders=orders).
> If I define the view to be {{=orders}} it takes again 40 seconds to show.
> The strange thing is if I change the view to
> {{
> for order in orders:
>      =XML(order)
>      pass
> }}
> it only takes about 2-3 seconds to show all orders. Not as nice as
> =orders but very strange anyhow.
> Kenneth
> > I have never seen this before. Can I see the model?
> > massimo
> > On Dec 25, 3:51 pm, Kenneth Lundstr�m<>
> > wrote:
> >>>   Is this reproducible?
> >> This happens all the time, if I do it ten times in a row every time it 
> >> takes 38-39 seconds. Even with lynx on the server itself it takes about 40 
> >> seconds.
> >> If I use:
> >>       t0=time.time()
> >>       orders = db(>    0).select()
> >>'time to fetch %s' % (time.time()-t0))
> >> The time is 1.75 - 1.90 seconds to fetch the data from database
> >> I change the controller to this
> >>       sql = db(>    0)._select()
> >>       t0=time.time()
> >>       db.executesql(sql)
> >>'time to fetch %s' % (time.time()-t0))
> >>       orders=[]
> >> now I get times like 0.38 - 0.39 seconds
> >> If I instead of<    490) to get half the rows all times drops 
> >> to half, even 40 seconds is now 20 seconds.
> >> Just testing I tried with:
> >>       t0=time.time()
> >>       orders = db(>    0).select()
> >>       orders1 = db(>    0).select()
> >>       orders2 = db(>    0).select()
> >>       orders3 = db(>    0).select()
> >>       orders4 = db(>    0).select()
> >>'time to fetch %s' % (time.time()-t0))
> >>       return orders
> >> This takes about, 5x1,8s (to fetch data) + 35 seconds = 45 seconds
> >> I tried with a different table that contains about 1250 rows, 6 columns. 
> >> It takes 1.2-1.3 seconds to fetch the data, but then over 60 seconds to 
> >> display it.
> >> Kenneth

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