By way of explanation...

My parse_url patch today is strictly refactoring, with no functional 
change--another in a series of patches to make URL rewriting more modular.

The Rocket patch is slightly more than cosmetic, in a development context. New 
worker threads, beyond the first default thread pool, did not have setDaemon 
set to True. This ordinarily is of no consequence. However, if you had a 
request running in one of those threads, and the request got stuck in a loop 
(hung), then sending SIGTERM to web2py would fail to terminate that thread, and 
you'd have to use SIGKILL (kill -9) to get web2py to quit.

setDaemon tells the thread logic that the thread in question can be terminated 
without waiting for it to stop itself, which is what we want in this case. 

This is only likely to happen in testing, I imagine, and even then only if 
Rocket needed to create additional worker threads, and even then only if the 
hung process was running in one of the newer threads. So not a big deal....

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