
URL('account', 'log_in')

On Dec 29, 3:14 am, Kenneth Lundström <kenneth.t.lundst...@gmail.com>
> If I remember correctly there was something about this on the list.
> I think you use the URL the wrong way and until version 1.83.2 the
> helper worked wrongly. In your case it "worked" but it has been
> corrected and it doesn t work anymore.
> Try something like URL(c='account', f='log_in')
> Kenneth
> > Hi
> > I have a problem since version 1.83.2. It gives me this error:
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >    File "D:\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 186, in restricted
> >      exec ccode in environment
> >    File "D:/web2py/applications/init/controllers/default.py", line 91,
> > in<module>
> >    File "D:\web2py\gluon\globals.py", line 96, in<lambda>
> >      self._caller = lambda f: f()
> >    File "D:/web2py/applications/init/controllers/default.py", line 55,
> > in index
> >      name = check_login()
> >    File "D:/web2py/applications/init/controllers/default.py", line 38,
> > in check_login
> >      redirect(URL(r=request, f='../account/log_in'))
> >    File "D:\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 226, in _URL
> >      return URL(*args, **kwargs)
> >    File "D:\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 186, in URL
> >      raise SyntaxError, 'not enough information to build the url'
> > SyntaxError: not enough information to build the url
> > My codes worked up to version 1.82.1.
> > I am using my own authorization/login codes which is in controllers/
> > account.py. The offending code (check_login function) is as follows:
> > def check_login(session=session):
> >      if session.login_time == None:
> >          session.login_time = 0
> >      if session.username == None or \
> >          session.login_time + login_expiry * 3600<  int(time.time()):
> >          redirect(URL(r=request, f='../account/log_in'))
> >      else:
> >          return session.username
> > In version 1.82.1, check_login (called byhttp://localhost:8000/init)
> > redirects tohttp://localhost:8000/init/account/login. But from
> > version 1.83.2, it seems to redirect 
> > tohttp://localhost:8000/init/default/init/account/login
> > which is non-existent.
> > Any ideas what might be happening?
> > Thanks
> > Maurice Ling

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