What is the web2py comet thing for?  Can you explain?
Best Regards,
On Mon, 2011-01-03 at 09:50 -0800, mdipierro wrote:

> Please check it.
> 1.91.6
> - web2py comet via gluon/contrib/comet_messaging.py (html5 websockets)
> experimental
> - fixed problem with services (broken in 1.91.5), thanks Vollrath
> - customizable uploadwidget, thanks Fran
> - fixed problem with mail unicode support, thanks Richard
> - fixed problem with linkto=None and references fields in SQLTABLE,
> thanks villas
> - no more upgrade button on windows since does not work
> - better remember-me login, thanks Martin Weissenboeck
> - support for recatcha options
> - support for GAE namespaces via DAL('gae://namespace')
> - new rocket (1.2.2), thanks Tim
> - many other bug fixes and improvements (thanks Jonathan)

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