On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 8:49 PM, Dragonfyre13 <dragonfyr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thought this might be interesting to someone, as it took me digging
> through the  pysimplesoap code to figure out. So I'll record it here
> for posterity.
> In web2py, I needed a soap service that can have one to many sets of a
> a particular element. This caused some issues, as there's not really a
> convention documented for supporting multiple elements posted in,
> without explicitly defining all of them.


But you are right, that is not documented in deep, I'll make a recipe
with further explanations.

> what I found, was putting a dict in a list, you could get this (taken
> from the "unmarshall" section of the simplexml code, since the
> pysimplesoap does this:
> args = method.children().unmarshall(args_types)
> # types is a dict of {tag name: convertion function}
> # example: types={'p': {'a': int,'b': int}, 'c': [{'d':str}]}
> #   expected xml: <p><a>1</a><b>2</b></p><c><d>hola</d><d>chau</d>
> #   returned value: {'p': {'a':1,'b':2}, `'c':[{'d':'hola'},
> {'d':'chau'}]}
> Notice in there, that by putting the {'d':str} object in a list, even
> a single element list, it makes it able to be repeated, over and over
> again. No idea how to set a limit on repetitions, or how this would
> react to simply not including a value (is a zero to many, or one to
> many?) but I'm trying it out now. Here's the completed decorator and
> func definition:
> @service.soap('methodName',returns={'result':bool},
>              args={'data':[{'elemName':str, 'elemValue':str}]})
> def mymethod(data):
>    """
>    Does nothing right now.
>    """
>    # the var data is filled with a list of dicts. Each dict has two
> elements,
>    # "elemName" and "elemValue", both strings. Can iterate over this,
> and pull
>    # out any data required.
>    return True
> So it currently doesn't do anything yet, and the design is bad since I
> was handed a wsdl and told "make that work", but here's outstanding
> questions I have on pysimplesoap/web2py soap stuff:

The code seems fine, why you say that it is a bad design?
It does what you need?

> 1) It doesn't look like there's currently any way to say "int between
> x and y", just that it's an int. Since it's auto generating the wsdl,
> that seems important...

This cannot be done now, it would require changing the simple type
declaration, using custom types instead of python types (int, float,
See reply 4

> 2) Same as above goes for data from a particular set. I can validate
> this in the code of the service, but I really have no clue how to get
> that into the wsdl.

What do you want to do?
See reply 4

> 3) How do I get this to throw a specific soap fault, when there's an
> error?

I think you can raise any python exception and the library will
convert it to a SoapFault.
If you want to raise an specific SoapFault, you will have to modify the code.

> 4) Can I make a particular value optional (0-1 repetitions) or a range
> of repetitions? (5-100, 1-4, etc) or is this also something that needs
> to go in the python code, and it just can't make it into the wsdl
> right now?

This would be relatively easy to implement but it would require a more
complex type definition (using custom list classes and so on)
You can't make it into the wsdl right now, but you can write the wsdl
by hand and do the checks in the code.

I would recommend you to always do the checks at python level, don't
rely on the wsdl (there are tools that even don't use wsdl at all to
check the call parameters)

> 5) What are my options with "complex types" or "custom types"?
> Supported, unsupported? (http://oreilly.com/catalog/javasoap/chapter/
> ch05.html)

I don't understand your question, both complex and custom types are
supported (up to a limited extent).

> 6) Still playing around with how to change my soap response up.

Again, what do you want to do?
If standard response (or request) is not enough, you can use raw xml
for input/output full control (it will merge a simple-xml dom tree if
no type declaration is used).

With this method, you can handle all cases "unsupported" by this library.

> Dealing much more with the simplexml.py code than I would have
> thought, as the soapdispatcher.py code is very simple (good thing!)

Yes, the idea of this library is to get a simple and functional soap

Sadly, SOAP is a very complex specification, so if you want to use all
of its features, you end up in a complicated implementation.
The good news are (IMHO) that most of the real world applications need
a simple and standard way to interoperate, using a subset of the
specification, so the exotic features are rarely needed.


PS: if you want to contribute to the PySimpleSoap project, fell free
to contact me or fill an issue at the project site ;-) BTW, there is a
s...@python.org mailing list dedicated to this topics.

Best regards

Mariano Reingart

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