Hi all again,

Some other test. When I put "http" as the user and group for executing
cherokee I get a 503 error. The documentation of cherokee says that is
probably because cherokee can not find the defined source or have not
the proper permissions to execute it (if I understand well). I hope this
helps to help me :-P



El 05/01/11 17:03, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas escribió:
> Hi all,
> This is my first post to the list, after a long time (a couple of years
> maybe) without being here. In that moment I have not the time for
> learning web2py and keeping the peace with the list, so I unsubscribed
> myself. But now I want to re-enable my participation here. I have
> installed Instant Press Appliance and the plugin_wiki and now I want to
> publish it in the web using cherokee, following the instructions on [1]
> and making some minor variations. So I have ran this small bash script:
>    #!/bin/bash
>    version=1.91.4
>    proyecto=Portico
>    usuariow2p=offray
>    sudo groupadd w2padmin
>    sudo mkdir -p /opt/$proyecto/Web2py/$version
>    sudo chown :w2padmin /opt/$proyecto/Web2py/
>    sudo chmod -R g+rwx /opt/$proyecto/Web2py/
>    sudo usermod -a -G w2padmin $usuariow2p
> After that I defined the data source and the virtual server according to
> the docs (changing the path by my own one), but is not working. Even I
> have changed the path by the one in the docs (/var/web2py/) but still is
> not working. When I load localhost in the machine where I'm running the
> test, it automatically becomes "http://localhost/welcome/default/index";
> but here I get:
> ---------
> 404 Not Found
> The requested URL /welcome/default/index was not found on this server.
> Cherokee web server 1.0.15 (Arch Linux), Port 80
> ---------
> When I see the process running to see what's happening with
> startweb2py.sh I get:
> ---------
> [In] ps aux | grep web2py
> [Out]
> offray    3650  2.4  0.4  26780 12684 ?        SN   09:33   0:01 python2
> /var/web2py/fcgihandler.py
> offray    3656  2.4  0.4  18580 12664 ?        SN   09:33   0:01 python2
> /var/web2py/fcgihandler.py
> offray    3671  2.4  0.4  18580 12664 ?        SN   09:33   0:01 python2
> /var/web2py/fcgihandler.py
> offray    3681  2.4  0.4  26776 12684 ?        SN   09:33   0:01 python2
> /var/web2py/fcgihandler.py
> offray    3893  0.0  0.0   4236   852 pts/2    SN+  09:34   0:00 grep web2py
> ---------
> Si cargo la dirección "localhost:8000" tradicional de web2py, me dice
> que no logra establecer conexión con el servidor. No sé si el
> fcgihandler.py debería levantar automáticamente web2py o si es necesario
> hacer algo más o si el problema es querer ejecutar el servidor virtual
> como un usuario diferente al root (sin embargo coloqué estos parámetros
> del usuario en Cherokee).
> When I load the usual "localhost:8000" of web2py it says that it cannot
> stablish a connexion with the server. I imagine that fcgihandler.py
> should load web2py automatically or if is something related with trying
> to run web2py under a different non-root user (but I have told cherokee
> this properly).
> Any pointer to a solution will be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Offray

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