I have found several problems with the DAL on GAE, which include:

validator problems with list:reference 

represent problem with list:reference (SQLTable will not display) 

and belongs is broken on GAE (and it worked in the old gql.py). 

Each of the tickets includes a proposed solution.  I'd appreciate it if 
people can confirm that my fixes work in general (they solved my problems) 
and are appropriate.

As an FYI - I am building a new application from scratch right now and am 
building it against 1.91.6 (the new DAL) and will be running it on GAE.  As 
i build out my app i'll be sure to let the group know of any other issues i 
run across with the new DAL.  In general it looks like a huge improvement.  
Great work Massimo and crew!

Thanks so much


ps - i'm not sure how closely people are following the bug posts on google 
code, please let me know if posting a message here is just too much noise, 
cause i too hate noise!

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