It took me a while to debug this.
The problem is that the ajax service that fills the table requires
You probably have not created an account or have not logged in.
The page that displays the jqgrid does not require login so it shows,
but the service responds with a login page instead of sending the

There should be a clearly displayed error in this case and I will
modify plugin_wiki to take care of this case more gracefully.

On Jan 10, 2:00 pm, Lisandro <> wrote:
> I downloaded web2py (1.91.6) and executed the development server.
> I edited the "welcome" app:
> First, I installed the plugin "plugin_wiki" in the "welcome" app.
> Second, I edited the, adding the following line (every other
> thing stays as default):
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ------------------------
> db.define_table('ciudadanos', Field('nro_documento'))
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ------------------------
> I added some sample records.
> Third, I edited the "default/index.html" view, adding the following
> line:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ------------------------
> {{=plugin_wiki.widget('jqgrid', 'ciudadanos')}}
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ------------------------
> When I acceshttp://.../welcome/default/index, I can see the jqgrid,
> but it contains nothing.
> I tried with:
>  * {{=plugin_wiki.widget('jqgrid',  table='ciudadanos')}}
>  * {{=plugin_wiki.widget('jqgrid', table=db.ciudadanos)}}
> But nothing happens.
> ¿What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

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