On Jan 12, 12:23 am, Christopher Steel <chris.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If people are interested I will clean mine up a bit and post a link to
> the code.

I rolled out another site yesterday (manually, no script---we use
fabric for successive deployments of the web2py applications, but not
for initial setup).

Everything goes reasonably smoothly using the HostMonster FCGI
tutorial on web2pyslices, but Sqlite and pysqlite are a huge pain.

~/local/bin/python setup.py build_static install

doesn't work for you, then you have to build sqlite manually:

./configure --prefix=$HOME/local
make install

Then you have to edit the setup.cfg to point to


[Hint: "$HOME" does NOT work inside setup.cfg!  Noob error, wasted so
much time on that]

Then pysqlite will install correctly.

You may want to incorporate some of these observations into your
script.   I have the process down quite efficiently now, if you want
to hear more detail.

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