Hello there...

I'm hoping that this is a common problem with a simple solution.

I'm attempting to create an app that uses self-referencing tables, in
one case to refer to employees and their managers (who themselves are
also employees). I used the app wizard to generate the scaffolding. I
am able to add records, but the boilerplate crud read and crud select
functions return the following error: Using a recursive select, but
encountered a broken reference. Also, the form generated by the crud
create function does not generate a drop-down selection box as it
normally would for a reference field.

So, my question is, really, do I need to write custom crud functions
to work with self-referencing tables and, if so, does anyone know the
best way to do this? I've read the part in the docs about using
"with_alias" but I can't seem to make heads or tails of it. (Not a
problem with the manual, just my limited knowledge of SQL.)

I'd appreciate any further direction anyone can give me.


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