This is not the right syntax for decimal. Should be

Field('f_total_sum_all', type='decimal(5,10)', label=T('Total Sum')),

decimal(precision,scale) same syntax as SQL.

On 26 joulu 2010, 23:16, Kenneth Lundström
<> wrote:
> Aapche 2, wsgi, MySQL 5.0, web2py 1.91.4, python 2.6.5
> I have defined in my model:
> Field('f_total_sum_all', type='decimal',
> label=T('Total Sum')),
> Even floeat gives the same error. Only integer works.
> Version
> web2py Version 1.91.4 (2010-12-22 17:31:23)
> Python Python 2.6.5: /usr/bin/python
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/web2py/gluon/", line 188, in restricted
> exec ccode in environment
> File "/web2py/applications/kenneths/models/", line 70, in
> <module>
> migrate=settings.migrate)
> File "/web2py/gluon/", line 3321, in define_table
> polymodel=polymodel)
> File "/web2py/gluon/", line 444, in create_table
> precision, scale = [int(x) for x in field.type[8:-1].split(',')]
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
> Error snapshot help Detailed traceback description
> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>(invalid literal for int() with base 10: '')
> inspect attributes
> Exception instance attributes
> __setattr__ <method-wrapper '__setattr__' of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __reduce_ex__ <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of exceptions.ValueError
> object>
> __getslice__ <method-wrapper '__getslice__' of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __getitem__ <method-wrapper '__getitem__' of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __setstate__ <built-in method __setstate__ of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __getattribute__ <method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of
> exceptions.ValueError object>
> __str__ <method-wrapper '__str__' of exceptions.ValueError object>
> args ("invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''",)
> __reduce__ <built-in method __reduce__ of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __format__ <built-in method __format__ of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __class__ <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
> __dict__ {}
> __delattr__ <method-wrapper '__delattr__' of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __subclasshook__ <built-in method __subclasshook__ of type object>
> __repr__ <method-wrapper '__repr__' of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __init__ <method-wrapper '__init__' of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __hash__ <method-wrapper '__hash__' of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __sizeof__ <built-in method __sizeof__ of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __doc__ 'Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).'
> __unicode__ <built-in method __unicode__ of exceptions.ValueError object>
> __new__ <built-in method __new__ of type object>
> Frames
> File /web2py/gluon/ in restricted at line 188 code
> arguments variables
> Function argument list
> (code="### we prepend t_ to tablenames and f_ to
> fieldn...Field('current_record','reference t_bill_item'))\n",
> environment={'A': <class 'gluon.html.A'>, 'Auth': <class
> ''>, 'B': <class 'gluon.html.B'>, 'BEAUTIFY': <class
> 'gluon.html.BEAUTIFY'>, 'BODY': <class 'gluon.html.BODY'>, 'BR': <class
> 'gluon.html.BR'>, 'CENTER': <class 'gluon.html.CENTER'>, 'CLEANUP':
> <class 'gluon.validators.CLEANUP'>, 'CODE': <class 'gluon.html.CODE'>,
> 'CRYPT': <class 'gluon.validators.CRYPT'>, ...},
> layer='/web2py/applications/kenneths/models/')
> Code listing
> if type(code) == types.CodeType:
> ccode = code
> else:
> ccode = compile2(code,layer)
> exec ccode in environment
> except HTTP:
> raise
> except Exception:
> # XXX Show exception in Wing IDE if running in debugger
> Variables
> environment {'A': <class 'gluon.html.A'>, 'Auth': <class
> ''>, 'B': <class 'gluon.html.B'>, 'BEAUTIFY': <class
> 'gluon.html.BEAUTIFY'>, 'BODY': <class 'gluon.html.BODY'>, 'BR': <class
> 'gluon.html.BR'>, 'CENTER': <class 'gluon.html.CENTER'>, 'CLEANUP':
> <class 'gluon.validators.CLEANUP'>, 'CODE': <class 'gluon.html.CODE'>,
> 'CRYPT': <class 'gluon.validators.CRYPT'>, ...}
> ccode <code object <module> at 0x2aaab001f6c0, file
> "/...plications/kenneths/models/", line 5>
> *
> File /web2py/applications/kenneths/models/ in <module> at
> line 70 code arguments variables
> Function argument list
> ()
> Code listing
> label=T('Created By'),writable=False,readable=False),
> Field('modified_by',db.auth_user,default=auth.user_id,
> label=T('Modified By'),writable=False,readable=False,
> update=auth.user_id),
> format='%(f_name)s',
> migrate=settings.migrate)
> db.define_table('t_receipt_archive',db.t_receipt,Field('current_record','re 
> ference
> t_receipt'))
> ########################################
> Variables
> migrate undefined
> settings.migrate True
> settings <Storage {'layout_theme': 'Clicker', 'subtitle':...l_server':
> 'localhost', 'login_method': 'local'}>
> *
> File /web2py/gluon/ in define_table at line 3321 code arguments
> variables
> Function argument list
> (self=<DAL {'auth_permission': <Table {'ALL': <gluon.d...ab0014c90>}>,
> '_migrate': True, '_pool_size': 0}>, tablename='t_receipt',
> *fields=(<gluon.dal.Field object>, <gluon.dal.Field object>,
> <gluon.dal.Field object>, <gluon.dal.Field object>, <gluon.dal.Field
> object>, <gluon.dal.Field object>, <gluon.dal.Field object>,
> <gluon.dal.Field object>, <gluon.dal.Field object>, <gluon.dal.Field
> object>, <gluon.dal.Field object>, <gluon.dal.Field object>),
> **args={'format': '%(f_name)s', 'migrate': True})
> Code listing
> if migrate or self._uri=='gae':
> try:
> sql_locker.acquire()
> self._adapter.create_table(t,migrate=migrate,
> fake_migrate=fake_migrate,
> polymodel=polymodel)
> finally:
> sql_locker.release()
> else:
> t._dbt = None
> Variables
> polymodel None
> *
> File /web2py/gluon/ in create_table at line 444 code arguments
> variables
> Function argument list
> (self=<gluon.dal.MySQLAdapter object>, table=<Table {'to_be_paid':
> <gluon.dal.Field object': <gluon.dal.Field object at
> 0x2aaab0039690>}>, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False, polymodel=None)
> Code listing
> foreign_key=referenced + ('(%s)' % table._db[referenced].fields[0]),
> on_delete_action=field.ondelete)
> elif field.type.startswith('list:reference'):
> ftype = self.types[field.type[:14]]
> elif field.type.startswith('decimal'):
> precision, scale = [int(x) for x in field.type[8:-1].split(',')]
> ftype = self.types[field.type[:7]] % \
> dict(precision=precision,scale=scale)
> elif not field.type in self.types:
> raise SyntaxError, 'Field: unknown field type: %s for %s' % \
> Variables
> scale undefined
> field.type 'decimal'
> precision undefined
> field <gluon.dal.Field object>
> x ''
> builtinint <type 'int'>
> ].split <built-in method split of str object>
> Context
> locals request session response
> locals
> TFK :
> {}
> constraint_name :
> 't_receipt_f_purchased_by__constraint'
> fake_migrate :
> False
> field :
> <gluon.dal.Field object>
> fields :
> 'f_purchased_by INT, INDEX f_purchased_by__idx (f...ed_by) REFERENCES
> auth_user(id) ON DELETE CASCADE', 'f_purchased DATETIME', 'f_paid
> DATETIME', 'to_be_paid CHAR(1)']
> ftype :
> 'CHAR(1)'
> k :
> 'f_total_sum_all'
> migrate :
> True
> not_null :
> polymodel :
> None
> referenced :
> 'auth_user'
> self :
> <gluon.dal.MySQLAdapter object>
> sql_fields :
> {'f_name': 'VARCHAR(255)', 'f_paid': 'DATETIME', 'f_purchased':
> 'DATETIME', 'f_purchased_by': 'INT, INDEX f_purchased_by__idx
> (f_purchased_by),...ed_by) REFERENCES auth_user(id) ON DELETE CASCADE',
> 'id': 'INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL', 'to_be_paid': 'CHAR(1)'}
> sql_fields_aux :
> {'f_name': 'VARCHAR(255)', 'f_paid': 'DATETIME', 'f_purchased':
> 'DATETIME', 'f_purchased_by': 'INT, INDEX f_purchased_by__idx
> (f_purchased_by),...ed_by) REFERENCES auth_user(id) ON DELETE CASCADE',
> 'id': 'INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL', 'to_be_paid': 'CHAR(1)'}
> table :
> <Table {'to_be_paid': <gluon.dal.Field object': <gluon.dal.Field
> object at 0x2aaab0039690>}>
> tablename :
> 't_receipt'
> x :
> ''
> request
> ajax :
> False
> application :
> 'kenneths'
> args :
> []
> body :
> <cStringIO.StringO object>
> cid :
> None
> controller :
> 'default'
> cookies :
> <SimpleCookie:
> __utma='14303153.1210700238.12899...-a86975c4-95eb-4143-8375-3c535bfedb04'>
> env :
> <Storage {'mod_wsgi_listener_host': '', 'script_...s/web2py/',
> 'mod_wsgi_process_group': 'web2pys'}>
> extension :
> 'html'
> folder :
> '/web2py/applications/kenneths/'
> function :
> 'receipt_create'
> get_vars :
> <Storage {}>
> now :
> datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 27, 7, 27, 11, 841782)
> post_vars :
> <Storage {}>
> raw_args :
> None
> url :
> <gluon.html.XML object>
> vars :
> <Storage {}>
> wsgi :
> <Storage {'start_response': <function <lambda> a...PATH_INFO':
> '/kenneths/default/receipt_create'}}>
> session
> auth :
> <Storage {'expiration': 3600, 'last_visit': date...c17a9c95',
> 'registration_key': None, 'id': 1L}>}>
> flash :
> None
> response
> body :
> <cStringIO.StringO object>
> cookies :
> <SimpleCookie: session_id_kenneths='a307b89f-4f94-4789-a21e-c5505aa678ac'>
> files :
> []
> flash :
> ''
> headers :
> <Storage {'Expires': 'Mon, 27 Dec 2010 05:27:11 ...he, must-revalidate,
> post-check=0, pre-check=0'}>
> menu :
> []
> meta :
> <Storage {}>
> postprocessing :
> []
> session_file :
> <open file
> '/web2py/applications/ke...307b89f-4f94-4789-a21e-c5505aa678ac', mode 'rb+'>
> session_filename :
> '/web2py/applications/kenneths/sessi...-a307b89f-4f94-4789-a21e-c5505aa678a c'
> session_id :
> ''
> session_id_name :
> 'session_id_kenneths'
> status :
> 200
> view :
> 'default/receipt_create.html'
> In file: /web2py/applications/kenneths/models/
> ########################################
> db.define_table('t_receipt',
> Field('id','id',
> represent=lambda id:SPAN(id,'
> ',A('view',_href=URL('receipt_read',args=id)))),
> Field('f_name', type='string',
> label=T('Name')),
> # Field('f_submitted', type='datetime',
> # label=T('Submitted')),
> Field('f_purchased_by', type='reference auth_user',default=auth.user_id,
> label=T('Purchased By')),
> Field('f_purchased', type='datetime',
> label=T('Purchased')),
> Field('f_paid', type='datetime',
> label=T('Paid')),
> Field('to_be_paid','boolean',default=False,
> label=T('To be paid')),
> # Field('f_total_sum', type='decimal',
> # label=T('Total Sum')),
> Field('f_total_sum_all', type='decimal',
> label=T('Total Sum')),
> Field('active','boolean',default=True,
> label=T('Active'),writable=False,readable=False),
> Field('created_on','datetime',,
> label=T('Created On'),writable=False,readable=False),...
> lisää »

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