I have not used twisted but I have used tornado for html5 websockets.

web2py notifies tornado by digitally signing post requests.

The source is here http://code.google.com/p/emte-trading/


On Jan 21, 6:08 pm, "Peter M." <peter....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have made small demonstration client/server project using the
> Twisted framework (http://twistedmatrix.com/) which is just as easy to
> use for client/server projects as web2y is for for web applications
> and now I want to use web2py as frontend for a shared database.
> Twisted web component(s) is not at a state where I want to use it
> (http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedWebPlan) and I much rather
> prefer web2py.
> I have seen at least one person on this list saying he is using web2py
> as frontend for a "Twisted server". I would like advice on how to make
> web2py notify the "Twisted server" about changes in the database. Both
> server applications (the "Twisted server process" and web2py) are
> running on the same server. I guess I could use a table as message
> queue which the Twisted server would read every few seconds.
> But if wanted a here-and-now notification then how to do it most elegantly?
> There is a solution which works for PostgreSQLhttp://www.divillo.com/
> but I prefer a more general solution.
> Should I send a xml-rpc or soap request from web2py -> Twisted server?
> Are there other ways to communicate?
> Has anyone had success trying to import twisted modules into web2py?
> I guess an integration of Twisted and web2py would make it such a big
> killer product that it will require a license to operate it ;-)
> Regards
> Peter

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