makes sense, thanks :)

On Feb 5, 11:16 am, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> I assumed he was planning to use db...close() outside web2py in some
> python script.
> In the web2py context you should not close the db. Not because you
> lose auth_user since the connection will be reopened at the next
> request, but because of speed issues (the connection has to be re-
> established) and other issues with transactions.
> Massimo
> On Feb 5, 1:55 am, mart <> wrote:
> > I don't get it... doesn't this make you logged out because you
> > wouldn't have auth_user anymore? then what do you do?
> > But on the other hand could we use this to hop from one db to another
> > (thinking through script) ?
> > Sorry for asking ;)
> > Mart
> > On Feb 4, 12:57 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> > wrote:
> > > db._adapter.connection.close()
> > > On Feb 4, 10:24 am, vortex <> wrote:
> > > > How do I explicitly close a database connection?

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