can you please open an issue in googlecode?

On Feb 6, 7:06 pm, ionel <> wrote:
> Hello,
> In the controller I have a custom form that contains a password:
> form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('afield', 'password'))
> form.vars.afield = 'some initial password'
> In view:
> {{=form.custom.begin}}
> {{=form.custom.widget.afield}}
> {{=form.custom.submit}}
> {{=form.custom.end}}
> The problem is that the text field in the view doesn't display
> '****************' (in fact the 'some initial password' string) when
> the page is loaded. If I change the field type from 'password' to
> 'string', 'some initial password' is displayed inside the text field:
> form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('afield', 'string'))
> I think this is a bug.
> Thanks.
> i.a.

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