Base on this post it seems a chrome issue that could be fixed as explained
in the first response :


On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Richard Vézina

> It is around this line in rendered html :
>   jQuery.ajax({type: "POST", url: u, data: query, success: function(msg) {
> if(t==':eval') eval(msg); else document.getElementById(t).innerHTML=msg; }
> });
> }
> Richard
> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Richard Vézina <
>> wrote:
>> I got this error in Chrome Dev tool : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set
>> property 'innerHTML' of null
>> Richard
>> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 3:29 PM, David J. <> wrote:
>>>  I was wondering about that too;;
>>> Is BUTTON a new addition?
>>> I didn't see it in the docs;
>>> On 2/9/11 3:24 PM, Richard Vézina wrote:
>>> Get it to work like this in :
>>>  <button onclick="ajax('block_access',[],null);">{{=T('block
>>> access')}}</button>
>>>  Thanks Massimo
>>>  Is BUTTON helper in trunk??
>>>  Richard
>>> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Richard Vézina <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> BUTTON not working, but it works without redirection with A(T('block
>>>> access'),_onclick="ajax('%s',[],null);" %
>>>> URL('block_access'))... I don't think that it validate with no _href...
>>>> With _href='' it seems to point on default/index
>>>>  Richard
>>>> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Richard Vézina <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> BUTTON Helper do not appear in the book actually...
>>>>>  Richard
>>>>> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Replace
>>>>>> block_access=A(T('block access'),_href=URL(r=request,c='default',
>>>>>> f='block_access'))
>>>>>>  with
>>>>>> block_access=BUTTON(T('block access'),_onclick="ajax('%s',[],null);" %
>>>>>> URL('block_access'))
>>>>>> Mind this will only block login, not users already logged-in, unless
>>>>>> you also clear session.
>>>>>> On Feb 9, 11:39 am, Richard Vézina <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> > Hello,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I would create button to block or unblock user access, so I made
>>>>>> those
>>>>>> > function :
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > def block_access():
>>>>>> >     """
>>>>>> >     UPDATE auth_user
>>>>>> >     SET registration_key='blocked'
>>>>>> >     WHERE auth_user.registration_key = ''
>>>>>>  >       AND <> ''
>>>>>> >     """
>>>>>> >     db((db.auth_user.registration_key == '') & (
>>>>>> != '
>>>>>>  >')).update(registration_key='blocked')
>>>>>> >     db.commit()
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > def unblock_access():
>>>>>> >     """
>>>>>> >     UPDATE auth_user
>>>>>> >     SET registration_key=''
>>>>>> >     WHERE auth_user.registration_key <> 'pending'
>>>>>> >     """
>>>>>> >     db(db.auth_user.registration_key !=
>>>>>> > 'pending').update(registration_key='')
>>>>>> >     db.commit()
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Now I would call those function from a link or a button from index
>>>>>> or admin
>>>>>> > dashboard...
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I would know if there is a other way except this :
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > def index():
>>>>>> >     block_access=A(T('block
>>>>>> access'),_href=URL(r=request,c='default',
>>>>>> > f='block_access'))
>>>>>> >     unblock_access=A(T('unblock
>>>>>> access'),_href=URL(r=request,c='default',
>>>>>> > f='unblock_access'))
>>>>>> >     return dict(block_access=block_access,
>>>>>> unblock_access=unblock_access)
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Since I will need to modify the block and unblock function like this
>>>>>> :
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > def block_access():
>>>>>> >     """
>>>>>> >     UPDATE auth_user
>>>>>> >     SET registration_key='blocked'
>>>>>> >     WHERE auth_user.registration_key = ''
>>>>>>  >       AND <> ''
>>>>>> >     """
>>>>>> >     db((db.auth_user.registration_key == '') & (
>>>>>> != '
>>>>>>  >')).update(registration_key='blocked')
>>>>>>  >     db.commit()
>>>>>> >     redirect(URL(r=request,c='default', f='index'))
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Is there an other way by not utilising redirection?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thanks
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Richard

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