I´ve got an Application wich makes (url)callbacks to my web2py app and
All these webhooks have a "Cookie:" header with a value identical to
the browser that caused the request to be initiated.
For for example it calls the web2py Controller with this "Cookie:"

Cookie: session_id_myapp=

In the called web2py controller I want to make the Authorization for
this call, tried to like that:

def connect():

    return response.json([auth.is_logged_in(), {"name": "Test"}])

When called with the Browser, it returns:
[true, {"name": "test"}]

When called by the (url)callback, it returns:
[false, {"name": "test"}]

In this Controller I can simply grab the session_id:

def get_session_test():

    if request.cookies.has_key(response.session_id_name):
        value = request.cookies[response.session_id_name].value
        return dict(session_id=value)
        return False

How can I authorize these (url)callbacks by session_id?

I´ve to query two values by the given session_id,
1. is_logged_in (boolean)
2. username or user email (string)

But, how to obtain them?

Or is there a better way to make the authorization for the

Thank you in advance.

Dieter Asman

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