The Instant-press application is a great application to take a look at
for a number of reasons. In addition you will find an example of
populating a table with default values.


On Feb 10, 4:57 pm, Sascha Peilicke <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'd like to know how to best populate a table with a given set of default
> values. I could add them manually via the shell, but I'd like it to be done
> when the table is created. Let's consider the following table:
> db.define_table('tag',
>     Field('name'),
>     format='%(name)s')
> And assume I got some tags:
> TAGS = ['nice','great','awesome']
> So, how's the most appropriate way in getting those tags into the table?
> --
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> Sascha Peilicke
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