Also, you might want to look at what Ethan Marcotte has done with
media queries using CSS, which he calls "responsive web design":

Michael McGinnis

On Feb 14, 2:47 pm, Chris <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm making a site on web2py that has a mobile counterpart.
> I'd like to be able to, once I've detected that a browser is mobile,
> use a different set of views but share the same controller logic. I
> saw that in an earlier post (
> browse_thread/thread/7277e92b03450784/9dd641c956bd6bc3?
> lnk=gst&q=mobile#9dd641c956bd6bc3) we covered the browser sniffing,
> and got that working, but how would I be able to, for example, use
> instead of index.html if I detect the user is coming
> from a mobile device?
> Thanks
> Chris

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