
I believe I found a bug and implemented a fix for the following ...

If we use web2py_ajax_page js function to load forms in the same page with 
ajax (as in my case, using jquery ui dialog), and if the xhr calls for a 
redirect, then web2py incorrectly traps the new forms (via web2py_trap_form 
js function) with the original url action, instead of using the new 
redirected url action.

I solved this by adding the following to the model (so it's applied to all 
web requests):

   response.headers['web2py-url'] = request.url

And by adding the following to web2py_ajax.html in web2py_ajax_page js 
function inside the 'complete' callback (as the first line):

   action = xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-url') || action

A better solution, instead of using a custom 'web2py-url' header, could be 
to detect the current xhr url location (original action or new action if 
redirected) inside the 'complete' callback, but I don't know where to 
extract such value from the xhr object.

I believe this does not break anything, but I haven't tested it in detail.



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