On Feb 16, 2011, at 3:07 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Looks like Jonathan may be the winner here. I think VP raised the
> issue so he should decide whether the issue is solved.
> Is anybody else having problems after upgrade to the latest psycopg2?
> If this problem was dear to you any symbolic contribution towards the
> prize will be appreciated.

It need only be symbolic; I think that this falls into the "known bug" 
category. I found it by Googling.

To be more certain, it'd be good if someone could revert psycogpg2 (with no 
other changes) and reproduce the problem.

> Massimo
> On Feb 10, 8:19 am, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I offer $300 to whoever can identify within 3 weeks and without
>> ambiguity the cause of this problem. The bounty applies even if the
>> problem turns out to be not in web2py but in one of the Python
>> modules, in Apache or in the mod_wsgi implementation. It does not
>> apply if the problem is due to known bug that has already been fixed
>> by the responsible party (for example if you are using an old un-
>> patched python version like 2.5.0 or an old mod_wsgi version).
>> On Feb 10, 12:38 am, VP <vtp2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Alright people.... short answer:  I think I figured this out (at least
>>> with my configuration)!!!!
>>> After testing various configurations, here's the result with: ab -kc
>>> 100 -t 20https://domain.com/imageblog/default/index/ (same
>>> imageblog app, 100 connections, 20 seconds stress test).
>>> Two things you will notice with this result.
>>> 1.  ZERO failed request.   No more wsgi premature script error!!!!
>>> 2.  Complete requests is 1234, 61 requests/second on average.
>>>     Compare to prior configuration:  588 total requests, 29 requests/
>>> sec on average.  Not to mention 15 failed requests due to wsgi
>>> premature script errors!!!
>>> This is insane!!!
>>> So how did I configure this?   here it is:
>>>   WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=username group=username \
>>>                            display-name=%{GROUP} processes=5 threads=1
>>> The important option being 5 processes, 1 thread.
>>> With this configuration, my real app also did not get wsgi premature
>>> script errors anymore.  And guess what... the requests/sec
>>> triples!!!!
>>> I am still curious about this.  While my real app can possibly be not
>>> thread-safe, but the imageblog app should be thread safe (the index
>>> was simply a listing of images, i.e. read only).  Why would there be a
>>> problem with more than 1 thread?
>>> ============
>>> Document Path:          /imageblog/default/index
>>> Document Length:        13083 bytes
>>> Concurrency Level:      100
>>> Time taken for tests:   20.008 seconds
>>> Complete requests:      1234
>>> Failed requests:        0
>>> Write errors:           0
>>> Keep-Alive requests:    1234
>>> Total transferred:      16827432 bytes
>>> HTML transferred:       16171262 bytes
>>> Requests per second:    61.68 [#/sec] (mean)
>>> Time per request:       1621.377 [ms] (mean)
>>> Time per request:       16.214 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent
>>> requests)
>>> Transfer rate:          821.33 [Kbytes/sec] received
>>> Connection Times (ms)
>>>               min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
>>> Connect:        0    1   9.4      0      73
>>> Processing:    82  481 890.5    317    5475
>>> Waiting:       76  443 878.7    274    5393
>>> Total:         82  483 894.7    317    5503
>>> Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
>>>   50%    317
>>>   66%    342
>>>   75%    360
>>>   80%    372
>>>   90%    416
>>>   95%    489
>>>   98%   5351
>>>   99%   5397
>>>  100%   5503 (longest request)
>>> ========

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