2011/2/18 teemu <teemu.kuulas...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Is it possible to disable tooltips in powerTable? It would be even
> better if powerTable would show only tooptips that are explicitly
> defined but not default tooltips. I think that the default tooltips
> (e.g. "Record 1", "Record 2" etc.) are useless. It would be nice if
> there were some configuration options to do that.

yes, you can disable, in powerTable config there is a dict called
'extra' (Note that old powerTable version the dict was called 'extrajs' now
it is called 'extra').

powerTable.extra = dict(tooltip={'type':'virtual'})

just remove that doing

powerTable.extra = dict()

> PowerTable seems to be very promising project. Even if it is very
> young project it is already very useable. Thank you Bruno Rocha for
> this great plugin!

Thanks! I would like to have more time to work on that plugin, I have some
other projects in mind, just looking for contributors.

> Regards,
> Teemu

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