Yes, the script is buggy, alright.

To begin with, the field ID was supposed to be skipped altogether according 
to the code. The line

if field[0] == 'id':

should have been

if field[0].lower() == 'id':

for the ID field to be skipped successfully.

Anyway, its a relief that the my app does not break in the lastest version 
of web2py. I was just taking my baby steps into deployment in a real world 
scenario to see web2py in action and my small app in deployment. Boy, am I 
going to get a high on this!

However, the issue of the following thread still remains:

I don't know if it was appropriate to send a mail directly to you, which is 
what i did. Its just that there was not even a single poster reading it in 
12 hours.

Any way, thanks.

Just like to share with you that my python coding improved helluva lot 
because of web2py, because I was determined to make web2py my framework of 
choice. (I was about to use PHP / Codeigniter). And guess what, I have 
modified my .py modules in such a way that it can work either via import by 
web2py or by directly executing the module. I now can re-use so many of my 
previously written modules in python (with sloppy coding, of course! I will 
be polishing it in due course).

I was about to use wxPython for the GUI, which itself has a steep learning 
curve. Now making a GUI with web2py is such a piece of cake, and with ajax 
in tow via JQuery, the browser can react instantly to the users input giving 
the desktop interface feel.

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