Well I only used it once, but from memory registering was a piece of
cake and I thought you could enter several domains in the same
account,  so I don't think that would be an issue.  You get free usage
for up to 2500 users and then you have to pay. But it's not really so
expensive.  Maybe worth a second look...

However, please do not be discouraged from your own solution,  perhaps
others may be able to assist you with your OP,  I was just making an
extra suggestion to you  :)


On Feb 18, 4:03 pm, drebbin <dirkyd...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Thanks for your hint. Upon Janrain I already stumbled because of their
> python-openid lib. For my current project I only need Google, and so I would
> really like to not enroll with another 3rd party. Besides, Janrain wants to
> have the domain registered with them. Wouldn't that mean to register one for
> the customer's production site, one for the staging site and at least one
> for my development site? *shudder* if I'm seeing this right.
> KR, drebbin

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