I am trying to make an 'admin' controller that will allow
administrators of the app to administer different parts of the app.
One of the things to administer will be listing, adding, and removing
of users. So, ideally, I would like my URL structure to be like this:
"/[app]/admin/users/index". I have found a way to make it work, but I
was wondering if there is a better way. This is my admin.py controller
so far:

def index():
    return dict(message="This will eventually return a window allowing
you to select different administrative options.")

def users():
    def index():
        return dict(message="List users")

    def new():
        return dict(message="Add new user")

    def edit():
        return dict(message="Edit an existing user")

    if request.args(0):
        action = request.args(0)
        if action == 'new':
            return new()
        elif action == 'edit':
            return edit()
            return index()
        return index()

So am I going about this the right way, or am I totally off base?

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