simpler :

Does somebody know how I could transform a field passed via FORM in a
datetime dal compliant field ?
Thanks a lot ...

On 21 fév, 21:56, JmiXIII <> wrote:
> I need to split a date range into shorter intervalle :
>     Selection=FORM(TABLE(TR(
>     (TD("De l'article",SELECT(_name='DebArt',
> *[OPTION(ListeArticle[i].CodeArticle,
> _value=str(ListeArticle[i].CodeArticle)) for i in
> range(len(ListeArticle))]))),
>      TD("A
> l'article",SELECT(_name='FinArt',*[OPTION(ListeArticle[i].CodeArticle,
> _value=str(ListeArticle[i].CodeArticle)) for i in
> range(len(ListeArticle))])),
>      TD("Sélectionner
> aussi",SELECT(_name='PluArt',_multiple='multiple',
> *[OPTION(ListeArticle[i].CodeArticle,
> _value=str(ListeArticle[i].CodeArticle)) for i in
> range(len(ListeArticle))])),
>      TD("Exclure les
> articles",SELECT(_name='NonArt',_multiple='multiple',
> *[OPTION(ListeArticle[i].CodeArticle,
> _value=str(ListeArticle[i].CodeArticle)) for i in
> range(len(ListeArticle))])),
>      TD("De la date (AAAA-MM-JJ)", INPUT(_name='Debut', requires =
> IS_DATE(error_message=T('Doit être de la forme AAAA-MM-JJ !')))),
>      TD("A la date (AAAA-MM-JJ)", INPUT(_name='Fin',requires =
> IS_DATE(error_message=T('Doit être de la forme AAAA-MM-JJ !')))),
>      TD("Interval (AAAA-MM-JJ)", INPUT(_name='Interval', requires =
> IS_DATE(error_message=T('Doit être de la forme AAAA-MM-JJ !')))),
>      TD("Sélectionner",
> INPUT(_type='submit',_value='Sélectionner')))))
>     if Selection.accepts(request.vars,keepvalues=True):
>         pass
>     DebArt=request.vars.DebArt
>     Debut=request.vars.Debut
>     Fin=request.vars.Fin
>     FinArt=request.vars.FinArt
>     NonArt=request.vars.NonArt
>     PluArt=request.vars.PluArt
>     Interval=request.vars.Interval
>     try:
>         Inter=Fin-Interval
>     except:
>         Inter=""
> As you can see I first tried to get an intervalle by the substraction
> of two request.vars., just to figure id it can works but as expecteed
> it does not work since Fin and Inter are string types.
> Fortunately it works with my sqlite type and i can write things like :
> it works sucessfully
> Yet for splitting the range [Debut-Fin] into many regular shorter
> intervals, the pb is I don't know how to catch Date type value from
> the form that will work with the datetime type of dal ....
> If someone can give me an idea .....
> Thanks

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