On Feb 27, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Sebastian E. Ovide wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a simple action:
> def restaurants():
>     restaurants=db().select(db.restaurant.ALL)
>     return dict(restaurants=restaurants)
> on my machine I can get myapp/default/restaurants.json or .xml.... but it 
> doesn't work on GAE !... 
> in GAE myapp/default/restaurants work but if I append .json or .xml I would 
> get an empty json/xml...
> on GAE I see 
> D2011-02-27 09:50:20.163 routes_out: [/rest/default/restaurants.json] not 
> rewritten
> any ideas ?

The message is routine, fwiw, assuming that you're not expecting that path to 
be rewritten. It's debug-level logging, but IIRC GAE logs everything.

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