Thanks a log pbreit. Your suggested perfectly solved my problem. I
fiddled a bit with update_record but had difficulty who to grab the
field in database, in order to update it. Since this seem to be a
pretty common task (and difficulty for noobs), perhaps It would be
good if this example somehow be incorporated into the web2py chapter
about DAL or example codes.


On Mar 6, 1:53 am, pbreit <> wrote:
> Wow, hard to say but you definitely have some problems. For example, the
> typo in "visits.viist(+=1)". Are you getting error messages or is it just
> not doing what you want?
> Something like this perhaps? This code only adds one line to what is shown
> in the Book: image.update_record(visits=image.visits + 1). One thing to do
> is only make one "db.table" call per controller. You usually only need to
> access the database once per table. And in this case, you only need to do an
> image.update_record to increment the visits.
> def show():
>     image = db.image(request.args(0)) or redirect(URL('index'))
>     db.comment.image_id.default =
>     form = crud.create(db.comment,
>                        message='your comment is posted',
>             next=URL(
>     comments = db(
>     image.update_record(visits=image.visits + 1)
>     return dict(image=image, comments=comments, form=form)
> === show.html ===
> ...
> <p>Visits:  {{=image.visits}}</p>
> ...

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