On Mar 7, 2011, at 8:54 AM, ron_m wrote:
> In the file gluon/tools.py line 808 in trunk the Auth class __init__ method 
> you will find these lines
>         if auth and auth.last_visit and auth.last_visit\
>              + datetime.timedelta(days=0, seconds=auth.expiration)\
>              > request.now:
>             self.user = auth.user
>             self.user_id = self.user.id
>             auth.last_visit = request.now
> I am guessing this branch does not run when used in a standalone environment 
> and the else branch not shown above runs instead which sets the 3 values to 
> None.

I was wondering about that, but it doesn't appear that auth.user is set to 
None; otherwise auth.user.id wouldn't work either.

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