I use this in a portion of the views coded for what I am working on and it 
works for me. I just ran the page with the test true and again with the test 
false and I get the include file content inside the {{if condition:}} branch 
if the condition is True and the html in the {{else:} branch if the 
condition is False. I verified with a View Source in the browser, the code 
from the include file is not there when the condition is False. I am on 
1.93.2 but this has been consistent for several months now.

Here is a chunk of code

{{site_names =  session.user_access['site_names']}}
{{if len(site_names) > 1:}}
    {{include 'common/site_switcher.html'}}
    <hr />
{{include 'live/display_mode_switcher.html'}}

I think the include is indeed expanded out unconditionally but when the 
Python logic runs the response.write is not executed for that portion of the 
code if condition is False.

Replace someData in your example with True and then with False and refresh 
the page to see what you get in each case. The truthness or falseness of a 
variable can be deceiving. Also the include file name should be the path 
portion past views.

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