The code in controller is:

def new():

form = SQLFORM(, fields=['num'], labels={'num':'Number'},
submit_button='GO', formstyle='divs')
    if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
        response.flash = 'Yoh-ho-ho!'
    elif form.errors:
        response.flash = 'Bad-bad-bad!'
        response.flash = 'Fill the form'
    return dict(form=form)

On 9 мар, 17:27, DenesL <> wrote:
> Can you show us your current code?.
> On Mar 9, 9:03 am, cyber <> wrote:
> > Hi
> > How can I update new (just created) record in the table?
> > Table consists of several fields but in the form page user have to
> > enter only one value for one row.
> > So, I need insert in the current row not only this value but user name
> > and datetime.
> > I can insert first value but I have no idea of how to auto update new
> > row with required values.
> > Any ideas?

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