I would use


On Mar 12, 9:55 am, dlypka <dly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> FYI:I found a *GOTCHA* issue when upgrading to 1.92.3 from 1.77.3
> Now you have to use .xml() on the URL() that you send into the GAE
> API:
>    upload_url =
> blobstore.create_upload_url(URL(r=request,c='default',f='upbm2gig_gaehandle 
> r',args=None).xml())
>       # This works
>    upload_url =
> blobstore.create_upload_url(URL(r=request,c='default',f='upbm2gig_gaehandle 
> r',args=None))
>       # This crashes
> It crashes because between 1.77.3 and 1.92.3, a change was made in
> html.py in the URL() class.
> Around html.py line 265, they added XML() around the return value.
>     return XML(rewrite.url_out(r or _request, env, application,
> controller, function, args, other, scheme, host, port))
> In 1.77.3 it was formerly:
>     return rewrite.url_out(r or _request, env,....)
> So basically they have changed the signature of the URL() object.
> Not very backward compatible, I would say...
> On Mar 12, 12:48 am, Carl Roach <m...@carlroach.com> wrote:
> > thanks howesc
> > On 11 Mar 2011, at 23:29, howesc <how...@umich.edu> wrote:
> > > i use taskqueue extensively in my GAE apps.  i have not wrapped it in a 
> > > way that it runs in non-gae environment.  My usages of the taskqueue are 
> > > for things that i can't complete in a single 30 second execution time, so 
> > > i suppose i could put an 'if not GAE run all the processing in one 
> > > request' type statement.
> > > my usual usage pattern (i have a few variations on this, but this is a 
> > > simple example):
> > > def process_lots_of_rows():
> > >     from google.appengine.api import taskqueue
> > >     last_timestamp = request.vars.last_timestamp or 
> > > datetime.datetime(2010,1,1) #reasonable default for my app
> > >     limit = 100
> > >     #get records.  use >= so i don't miss any, don't use ID as they are 
> > > not assigned in strictly increasing fashion
> > >     rows = db(db.record.created_time >= 
> > > last_timestamp).select(orderby=db.end_user.timestamp,
> > >                                              limitby=(0,limit))
> > >     for r in rows:
> > >         r.update_record(bob='fred')
> > >     if len(rows) == limit:
> > >         #there are probably more to process
> > >         taskqueue.add(url=URL(r=request))
> > >     return dict(message="did some work")

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