this is interesting...

I added the function in a app's default controller, the did this:

for x in [item.strip().split('/')  for item in urllib2.urlopen('http://')]:
        for item in [string.strip(y,'", "') for y in x[1:-1]]:

Just from the output of that, lots can be done in script... :)

I have something in mind, but I'm missing something... How would I get
additional field information? I.e the field type?

And in a more general sense, how and where do I set a pattern?

I figure with just a couple more lines, I would have enough info to
create a VIEW of those table or even the model itself (hopefully
without having to know/remember anything too specific about the

I.e. something that looks a little like this but with more stuff to
make better/more specific statement...

CREATE VIEW "test" AS select * from data


On Mar 13, 10:04 am, ""
<> wrote:
> Would not it be better to do this?
> @request.get()
> <>
> <@request.put()>
> <@request.delete()>
> def api():
>     (...)
>     return dict(...)
> _____________________________________________
> *Gilson Filho*
> *Web Developer*

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