On Mar 13, 2011, at 5:07 PM, mattynoce wrote:
> hi, i just upgraded to 1.93.2 from 1.89.1 and my appadmin link is no longer 
> working. i get the following error by going to 
> http://localhost:8080/init/appadmin:
> invalid controller (appadmin/index)

Generally speaking, this suggests that web2py was not able to find a file named 
applications/init/controllers/appadmin.py (assuming your app is named 'init', 

> the only things i changed from the default routes file were:
> # 
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/8c7dcee379bc2995/be4d4bca1c2ef35c?lnk=gst&q=routes+router#be4d4bca1c2ef35c
> routers = {}
> and 
> routes_onerror = [
>    (r'*/400', r'/init/default/doesnotexist')
>    ,(r'*/404', r'/init/default/doesnotexist')
>    ,(r'init/*', r'/init/default/error')
> ]
> anyone have any idea what i need to do to get appadmin back? i'm sure i did 
> something silly but i can't figure out what.

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