As someone who's developed several web2py appications for 'enterprise' clients, 
I can only say that the managers who don't know any better do actually notice 
the presence of that particular adjective. It helps get web2py past the 
buzz-word filter.

I've had a client tell me that my application "...felt more stable..." when 
they had me "rewrite" it from "... that shell script thing.." to Java. All I'd 
done was redeploy from Python to Jython and connected it to their Oracle DBMS 
instead of using SQLite. To some, any type of 'scripting' is not 'business 

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 10:17:03PM -0300, rochacbruno spake:
> I would like to drop the enterprise, because translated to portuguese this 
> means "empresarial" which is "corporated" just like Java. 
> I like just: 
> Web2py - the web framework to get things done!
> Enviado via iPhone
> Em 14/03/2011, às 22:06, pbreit <> escreveu:
> > Agreed. "enterprise" is it bit odd here.

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