what about generating such taglines and displaying them randomly?

On Mar 15, 2:54 pm, "Jason (spot) Brower" <encomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmm..
> "Twice as fast to code in than Django and four time easier."
> Ok ok, it sucks, but it's true!
> Let me think... how about:
> Productivity by design.
> Think about the page not the code!
> Releiving finger ache by a factor of 2.
> Bringing python and html together.
> Framework for productive web applicatons.
> Web application framework.
> Development to the table.
> Power to the python!
> There's a party over here!
> Truly agile.
> MVC to the max!
> The sensable MVC framework.
> Built with MVC in mind.
> Putting the fun back in to coding.
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 1:04 PM, villas <villa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The web2py tagline is currently: 'Enterprise Web Framework'.
> > Massimo agrees that this might be improved and this thread is to
> > solicit suggestions.  Ideally suggestions would encapsulate the
> > 'spirit' of web2py or stress a feature(s) and simply make it seem more
> > attractive to new users.
> > As an idea,  here is one suggestion (inspired by Bruno) stressing the
> > productivity of web2py:
> > ** Web2py - the Framework that gets things done! **

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