Hello all,

In an attempt to make web2py pip installable, so that I can use gluon
as a module in other python programs, I created a setup.py that can be
used to create a source dist for PyPI. Attached are the files that
need to be placed in the web2py root directory.

To create the source distribution:

python setup.py sdist

To install from the source distribution (After running the above
command and using the sdist that it creates):

python setup.py install

After installing in your python env or virtualenv:

To create a new web2py application directory:

mkweb2pyenv path_to_project_dir

To run web2py from a directory:

runweb2py path_to_project_dir

I hope this makes its way to web2py Trunk. A clone with the files
included can be found at : https://code.google.com/r/lifeeth-pip

I made a video of running an instance for those who like to watch:


IRC: lifeeth

Attachment: new_files.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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