Hello Mart,

I need to generate WordML out of web2py... Is there a "easier" or more
integrated way then use xslt transformation that is the easiest way that
comes to my mind?



On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 8:20 PM, mart <msenecal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I use lots of XML to drive automation, file system structure,
> validation, user initial input, etc, so pretty much everywhere I make
> use of xml. much of the data (that may be user or project specific) is
> submitted as XML, then use that to populate tables (which BTW - I
> found lately to be a great way to share data between module [something
> that looks like a properties object]). I also frequently generate and/
> or convert chunks of xml to dictionary objects (wrapper to make a
> dictionary behave like an object - looks like web2py's storage) so I
> can run through data by doing a.b.c.d (which I find very useful at
> times). These are some of the ways where I use xml on daily basis.
> So my use of it in a web2py context goes more towards DAL stand-alone
> than in a 'over the web' context, but you're welcome to anything I
> have if interested. I have lots of code and can probably make samples
> depending on what you need, - I mostly stick to etree (maybe just a
> preference), because I like that I can reset .root anywhere i like and
> can easily group similar items).
> Mart :)
> On Mar 20, 3:58 pm, villas <villa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > OK I found a way (it was of course easier than I thought!).
> > However, if anyone has any interesting XML resources/tips,  I would
> > still be interested to learn more.
> > Thanks!

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