Look at the routes; you can do this;

Chapter 4 of the book.

On 3/22/11 2:12 PM, Keith Pettit wrote:
Web2py works great for me through Apache and mod_wsgi. All seems fast and clean. But now that I'm creating multiple web2py applications. How can I deploy multiple web2py applications as separate virtualhosts?

Basically I want to do something like:

app1.mydomain.com goes to App1
app2.mydomain.com goes to App2

Normally in Apache I would create separate virtualhost directives and point them to the directory where the code is. But I wasn't sure how to do that with web2py without copying the entire web2py directory and renaming the application I want to show as "init". What's the best way to do things when you need to update code and develop frequently?


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