I'm following along with the web2py book, and got hung up in Chapter
6: http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/06#DAL,-Table,-Field

When I do the following: "db = DAL('sqlite://storage.db')" absolute
nothing happens after I press enter. Nothing happens in the console,
no errors pop up in the error log, 'db' is still undefined if I try to
reference it.

As a test, I did "db = 'test'" in the shell, then again did "db =
DAL('sqlite://storage.db')" and then refenced db, and it was still the
string 'test'

Just to test it out, I defined a database in my Models/db.py; I'm able
to reference it in the shell, but if I try to define_table it doesn't
actually define the table.

Do you guys have any ideas of how I can dig deeper to see why it's not

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