I should add that I'm seeing this with SQLite. Haven't tried it with
Postgres yet.

On Mar 28, 5:25 pm, Brian Will <brian.thomas.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have this table:
> db.define_table('region',
>     Field('name'),
>     Field('longname'),
>     Field('subdomain', unique=True),
>     Field('status_', 'reference region_status')
> )
> The unique constraint is preventing me in the appadmin from adding
> regions with the same subdomain, as intended. However, in playing
> around, I exported my whole database and then reimported, upon which I
> ended up with duplicate fields as if the unique constraint gets
> ignored for the import. Is this the intended behavior? What I'd like
> is for the duplicates to not get imported silently.

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