OK this one might seem very redundant but it just doesn't work on my
behalf. I have an existing controller with an address like this:


which shows the public view of the online resume. I wish to make a
simpler url for users to spread their resumes to, so I made a table to
hold user codes and a controller to pass on the information to the
controller mentioned above:
def cv():
    if auth.user is None and request.args(0) is None:
    resumeurl =
    if resumeurl is None:
    user = db(db.auth_user.id==resumeurl.owner).select().first()
so when I do:

it redirects fine and has no problems. Now I wish to shorten the
distributable url to something like:

so I made web2py/routes.py with this code:
routers = dict(
  BASE  = dict(default_application='resume'),
routes_in = (
  ('/view/', '/resume/default/cv/'),
  (r'/view/<any>', r'/resume/default/cv/(?P<any>.*)'),
The first part which maps the default controller works fine, but the
second one which should do the shortening of the url doesn't work at
all (says invalid request). I copied the first routes_in entry
directly from the book. Any thoughts?

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