Hello :

it works fine thank you!!
and thanks for flexibility of Web2py.

On 3月31日, 午前2:24, mart <msenecal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's an example (assumes you have the modal resources - I.e. the
> modalPlugin):
> ... whatever happens here
> ``
> {{stuffYouWantInTheModal=plugin_wiki.widget('update',
>                                       table='recipe',
>                                     record_id='name',
>                                       message=\
>                      'stuffRecord updated')}}``:template``
> <div class="someName">{{a=PluginMModal(title='some title',
>                          content=stuffYouWantInTheModal,
>                          close='close',
>                          callback="URL(load_action)",
>                          width=30,
>                          height=40)}}``:template``
>             {{=a}}
>             <h3>{{=a.link('[name for this link]')}}</h3></div>
> Hope it helps,
> Mart :)
> On Mar 30, 9:28 am, danto <web2py.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 2011/3/29 kawate <yutaka.kaw...@gmail.com>
> > > Hell:
> > > Please advise me to show PluginMModal window in plugin_wiki page.
> > > Best Regards:
> > Web2py is better than that. You shoud try asking "Heaven" or "Fellowship"
> > regards

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