It is because of this


If you remove it will not be always set to true.

On Apr 4, 1:20 am, Rohan <> wrote:
> I am creating an extra element in form as per 
> guide
> here is the code
> controller
> settings_form = SQLFORM(db.auth_user, record, fields = ['first_name',
> 'email'], labels = {'first_name' : 'Full Name', 'email': 'Email
> Address'}, submit_button = 'Submit', showid=False)
> custom_checkbox = TR(LABEL(), TD(INPUT(_name='agree',value=True,
> _type='checkbox'), LABEL('Some setting')))
>     settings_form[0].insert(-1, custom_checkbox)
> view
> <h2 class="form_title">Preferences:</h2>
> {{=LOAD('default', 'settings', ajax=True, target='TargetDiv')}}
> on submitting this form from page, the checkbox value toggle itself.
> If it's on, after submitting, it will be set to off and if it's on
> then on submitting, it will be reset to on.
> I also tried this code in simple bare minimum welcome application to
> check if any javascript inserted from my end is causing this issue but
> faced same issue.
> Any pointers?

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