The application I'm trying to develop targets two kinds of users. The
*real* user of the system uses the full core functions of the
application, while another set of targeted users has limited access to
certain functions of the system.

Issues: the public user may, or may not have an email address. (I
thought of SMS verification as they're more likely to have mobiles, but
that's not guaranteed.)  The public user might use the system only once,
or may do so again in the near future, cannot say which. Demographics
are provided by these public users, some of which may change over time. 

I intend to extend auth_user tables for the "core" user but I'm not sure
if I should allow public users with email addresses to register in
auth_user as well. Use case is very different. And how do I deal with
public users without email addresses who may want to use the system
again in the future?

I am playing with the idea of asking the public user without email
addresses to authenticate by asking them a random question based on
demographics they previously provided and/or add a "security question"
option. They still don't get to log in by I could like set a session
variable if they successfully answer the random question/security

Looking forward to hearing your inputs. Thanks. 


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