I have a form with three cascading selects. A change in the selection, causes it to change the contents of the other selects. They work just fine, but I have other optional fields in the form which I wish the user to check out or input something before doing a "real" user triggered form submit.
What are my other options for triggering the changes in the cascading selects without doing a submit of the form? Other than using JQuery, that is. I tried adding a checkbox as a workaround so that a user must click it first, something like "All of the above is complete and correct." If the user clicks on it, but there are form errors, the checkbox resets to False. I tried to set the form.vars.completed variable in a function called by onvalidation, but it's not changing the value. Also tried 'value', '_value', '_checked' of the form.element('#myselect'), with no success. (Can I even change the values a user has entered in a form?) /r Nik