Another possible use case could be that each user by default gets
assigned to 2 groups. One say 'Authenticated' that all new users get,
this way you can assign global rules as normal. But also a per user
group. Say for example my nick here is luckysmack, so my group would
be called 'luckysmack' and I can assign my own permissions for other
people to access MY data. This makes me think of facebook and linux.
In linux you can assign permissions on the filesystem and you can let
others see your documents, pics, mucis, etc (i know you can do more
than that, but hear me out). And with facebook its like when you set
your own permissions for people to view your content like your wall,
personall info, images, etc. So in a web2py application I could use my
own 'luckysmack' group to manage my personal say profile permissions.
This is assuming thoug that you have programmed in some neato
permissions setup for user profiles. You would also need to
differentiate between user groups and site groups. so when you list
the sites permission groups it doesnt show ALL the users individual
groups. That could be a pain. SO thats one use case that I can think

Then again in my cass i need to make actual site groups users can join
aside from permissions groups...but i think thats another problem and
i dont want to hijack. Ill make a post about it when i start working
on it. But if anyone else can figure out another way to use the per-
user permissions im all ears as thats something i may need to work out
too. Since for an app I will be starting on soon will need fairly fine
grained permissions.

On Apr 22, 12:29 pm, David Marko <> wrote:
> The purpose is probably to give access not directly to user himself but to
> his group. Then when you need to add access to users resources  for the
> others simply put the user into other users group.
> David

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